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(832) 390-2588

One of the frequent issues that comes up in barrier cable design is the removal of stanchions.  These are short posts that hold the barrier cables in position.  They serve two functions. First, they control the deflection of the barrier cable during an impact.  The cables are held in place at each column and stanchion,…

One of the critical dimensions provided by the design engineer for stud rail installation is the initial space.  This dimension dictates how far away from the face of the support the studs start.  If this dimension is under-sized, the first stud may not be effective, and if the dimension is over-sized, a punching crack may…

Two critical pieces of a post-tension tendon are the high-strength steel cable that makes up the structural core of the tendon, and the plastic sheathing that keeps the steel from bonding to the concrete. One of the major challenges of post-tensioning material supply is ensuring that the tendons arrive intact and ready to place.  It’s…

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